Grading Policy
Grade Minimums:
Students enrolled in Spanish will have a minimum of 10 daily grades and 3 assessments during each nine weeks grading period. Under the heading of assessments, each teacher may have any combination of tests and/or projects that the teacher deems necessary to document mastery of content and student growth.
Grading Schedule:
Each teacher in the Spanish Department at WOHS will follow the grading schedule listed below:
- Daily Assignments: graded and entered into Skyward within 2 days
- Tests/Projects: graded and entered into Skyward no later than 5 days after due date
Students who turn in work after an absence will have one day for each day they are out.
Late Work:
Teachers in the Spanish Department may choose to accept late work. Grading will be as follows:
- 1 day late can receive no higher than a 70%
- 2 days late can receive no higher than a 50%.
- 3 or more days late will be a ZERO
Retesting Policy:
Students may choose to retake a test (not a project or nine weeks test) for full credit. The test will cover the same content; however, the questions may be altered. The retest cannot hurt the student. In other words, no grade lower than the original will be entered into Skyward. Students must meet the following requirements to be eligible for a retest:
- The retest must take place within 5 days of the original assessment
- Students must attend at least one tutorial session with the teacher and complete at least 1 remedial assignments covering the content.
- For the remedial assignment, the assignments must show 80% mastery.
- All missed homework assignments must be completed and turned in. (No retake will be allowed if the student has a zero for any of the content on the assessment)
- There must not be a failing grade on any of the pre-test/practice test assessments that the student has unlimited opportunities to take.
- Students must communicate their desire to retest and schedule the retest in advance.
A retest grade that is higher than the original test grade will earn replacement in Skyward in place of the original assessment only. A nine weeks test may be given at the teacher’s discretion. If a nine weeks test is given, it may replace the lowest test grade in the Skyward. A nine weeks test may not replace a project grade.