Monday – Review handout from Friday. Go over key sounds from pronunciation rules. Focus put on areas that will be covered on test.
Tuesday – Quizizz Practice Test. All students must complete at least one time by the end of class. This will be a daily grade for comnpleting it, but there will be another grade for the actual score received. I will give students until Thursday to get the highest grade possible.
Wednesday – We will go over Quizizz from yesterday on class. Focus will be put on weak areas, as well as areas that will be on tomorrow’s test.
Thursday – TEST over basic greetings, good-byes, and introductions, as well as numbers 1-15 and pronunciation rules. If students finish early, they will begin doing the Google Classroom posted supplemental activity.
Friday – Test corrections if necessary. Once finished, all students will do the Memrise activity found on Google Classroom. If time still remains, we will do the Find someone who… activity.