Spanish 1 Week 3

Monday – Review handout from Friday. Go over key sounds from pronunciation rules. Focus put on areas that will be covered on test.

Tuesday – Quizizz Practice Test. All students must complete at least one time by the end of class. This will be a daily grade for comnpleting it, but there will be another grade for the actual score received. I will give students until Thursday to get the highest grade possible.

Wednesday – We will go over Quizizz from yesterday on class. Focus will be put on weak areas, as well as areas that will be on tomorrow’s test.

Thursday – TEST over basic greetings, good-byes, and introductions, as well as numbers 1-15 and pronunciation rules. If students finish early, they will begin doing the Google Classroom posted supplemental activity.

Friday – Test corrections if necessary. Once finished, all students will do the Memrise activity found on Google Classroom. If time still remains, we will do the Find someone who… activity.

Posted in 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4C, 5A, TEKS | Leave a comment

Spanish 1 Week 2

Monday –  Present rules for pronunciation with focus on the letters that clearly differ from the standard English pronunciation, as well as double and triple vowels and location of stress with or without accent marks. With any remaining time, we will use greetings vocab for practice. Students will also be given the list of words for part one of the two part vocab quiz for this week.

Tuesday – Students will get into groups of three and create a dialog to be read aloud to me. Rules for dialog is that all non formal words and phrases must be used at some point in dialog and students must be prepared to translate portions of dialog when asked.

Wednesday – Gimkit for vocab practice. After about 15 minutes of gimkit, we will take the first of a two part vocabulary quiz. Part two will be on Friday. After the quiz, if time allows, students will practice reading portions of their dialog aloud for a non graded assessment.

Thursday – Students will continue with pronunciation practice by using the following: – After about 20 minutes, we will begin reviewing for part two of the two part vocab quiz that will be taken tomorrow.

Friday – We will begin the class with gimkit or quizlet live for vocabulary practice. After about 15 minutes, we will take the 2nd part of the vocab quiz. If time remains, we will continue with pronunciation practice of classroom related vocabulary words that will be useful for future assignments.

Posted in 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 3A, 3B, 4A, 5A, TEKS | Leave a comment

Spanish 1 Week 1

Monday – No School

Tuesday – Rules, expectations, learning benchmarks for year, who am I/who are you(this session will be done entirely in Spanish. Why English is harder. If time remains we will do the cognates activity.

Wednesday – Basic greetings and introductions. The entire class will be done in Spanish. Students will realize that I can speak in only Spanish and they will begin to learn what things mean without having to be told/without anyone translating.

Thursday – Activity practicing the new vocabulary acquired from yesterday’s lesson. Google Translate…the good and the bad

Friday – Quiz over the top 10 primary greetings and good-byes vocab words. With remaining time, we will do the cognates activity.

Posted in 1A, 1B, 2A, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4C | Leave a comment